About Jean Tindall Killough

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Jean can identify with many who have walked through the trials and tribulations of life. She truly understands how individuals are not always treated as they deserve, and often make many mistakes of their own.  When she found herself in a broken marriage, barely escaping death due to a critical illness and a single parent, she lost the faith of her childhood and fell to the temptations of the world. However, it is amazing how opportunities opened up to her as she advanced in computer knowledge during the “dark ages of technology.” After rising to management, a young employee asked her to lead a Bible study during lunch, to which she hesitantly agreed. It was not long before she realized a transformation was taking place in her life.

Today, Jean is one of the founders and Executive Director of a Crisis Pregnancy Center in Houston, Texas.  Over the years she has witnessed the hope that is sparked in the clients the Center serves as testimonies are shared by the staff and volunteers. The clients see that others have walked through desperate times and not only survived, but thrived! This demonstrated to her that others often see only the person we are today with “our act together” and fail to recognize the hardships we all face in becoming our true selves. The assumption is we have always been like this unless we are willing to share our stories with others. In her writings, she walks the reader through the years with peaks and valleys that have led to the blessed life she lives today.  Her desire is to share the hope she has discovered with the hopeless.

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Volunteer Involvement: Beltway 8 Crisis Pregnancy Center